Tuesday, 22 November 2011

"Call Me Back" Service For Airtel Users

If you have less balance and you cannot call anyone :(  but you want to call a person than there is a service for Airtel Users, which you can use in case your balance is less than 1 Rs. "Call Me Back" is a service which can be used if you want talk to one person urgently but you do not have enough balance for the call so you can avail this free service and it will send a free SMS to that person and he can call you back.

How to use it:

1. First of all make sure your balance is less than Rs. 1, if you balance is not below Rs.1 or 1 than it will not work.
2. Dial *141# , a new menu will open and giving you some cool options.

3. Select the option saying “Call Me Back”

4. Now it will ask you to enter the 10 digits friend number you wanna call too and reply back.

5. Now your SMS will be sent to that person asking him to call you.

6. That’s it now you can talk to that person for free because it’s a free incoming call.

It really works... Try it now

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